Reflexology is based on the theory that all organs of the body are mirrored in the feet. This is a relaxing pressure point treatment on the feet. Reflexology can stimulate the body to begin to heal itself.
Reflexology is a form of foot (and occasionally hand) massage therapy. It is both relaxing and used as a therapy for a variety of medical conditions. It is based on the principle that every part of the body is reflected in a precise area of the feet. The therapist stimulates the ‘reflex points’ so that toxins (uric acid and calcium crystals) are cleared away. The energy can flow along the energy zones throughout the body. The massage also increases circulation, aiding the distribution of nutrients and oxygen. It removes waste products from your system. Not only the physical body, but also the emotional states of the patient may be treated by manipulation of the feet.
There are many conditions treated by reflexology including:
- Asthma
- Constipation
- Gastro-intestinal disorders (including irritable bowel syndrome and peptic ulcers)
- Ear, eye, nose, throat and sinus problems
- Skin problems (including eczema and psoriasis)
- Insomnia
- Menstrual problems
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Prostate problems
- Wound healing
- Stress/anxiety
- High blood pressure
- Circulation problems
Children over the age of one may be treated. Reflexology is particularly suitable for conditions such as hyperactivity, bedwetting and glue-ear.
Reflexology is also used for pain control in arthritis, migraine, headaches, back/neck pain, and foot pain. The relaxation properties of reflexology massage are also beneficial to most people, especially stroke patients.
It may not be suitable for people with osteoporosis, phlebitis, thrombosis, epilepsy, thyroid disorder, diabetes, or those with a heart condition.
and present health and lifestyle. The therapist will work on the whole foot (body), not just the part affected by a specific ailment. This is a holistic therapy and any underlying causes must be identified. Any pain or tenderness experienced as the reflex points are stimulated indicates the presence of crystalline deposits. This highlights an imbalance in the corresponding area of the body. These areas will be massaged gently but firmly to clear the energy channels.
Once the problem areas have been identified, reflexology of the hands or feet can be practised at home between treatment sessions.
Therapy sessions last 45-60 minutes. The frequency of the treatments and length of the course depend upon the condition being treated. Many patients have regular treatment over long periods to maintain well-being.
Possible after-effects of reflexology include feeling nauseous, tired or emotional for a couple of days. Also a need to urinate more often may be noticed. It is also possible that existing symptoms may worsen before improving, or else a rash, cough or mild flu-like symptoms may develop. This is known as a ‘healing crisis’, and indicates that the body is beginning to eliminate toxins.
Reflexology is compatible with all other forms of therapy. Please let us know if you are taking any medication, conventional or complementary. There will be an increase in excretions from the body which may interfere with them. Reflexology is particularly effective when combined with acupuncture, osteopathy or light therapy.